This section deep-dives on the sector-level priorities which intends to cascade the target outcomes for each of the National Investment Aspirations (NIA) pillars into specific sector-level initiatives across each Strategic Thrust. These initiatives address specific challenges across each priority economic sector, unlocking specific investment opportunities, and can be extensions of overarching challenges as identified at the national level.

National Investment Aspirations

as critical anchor for the New Investment Policy


Target Outcomes

defined for each NIA to track outcomes

Strategic thrusts

aligned to delivery of NIA

National-level initiatives

that addresses challenges to NIA

Varying Importance and relevance by sector


Investment Opportunities

aligned to deliveryof NIA and right-to-win

Strategic thrusts

to address sector-specific challenges

Sector-specific initiatives

that addresses challenges to NIA

Sector-Level View

A sector-level view for the New Investment Policy is important across three fronts. First, it allows reforms to be comprehensive, focusing on addressing specific challenges which may not be outlined at the national level. Second, it allows reforms to be targeted, as it enables reforms to be nuanced to the needs of each sector. A key dimension considered is maturity, whereby for example, approaches to invigorate R&D will vary significantly in a developed sector as opposed one in its nascency. Finally, in-line with a targeted approach, it allows resources to be more efficiently spent on accelerating speed to results, given the narrowed scope.

The New Investment Policy contains recommendations for three target sectors, as part of the first wave of investment transformation. The three economic sectors are Electrical and Electronics (E&E), Digital Economy, and Pharmaceuticals. These sectors were identified using key selection criteria, including alignment to NIA pillars, alignment to national priorities, investment flows and, revealed comparative advantage.

Additional sector reviews will be conducted in future waves, with Chemicals and Aerospace identified as part of second wave of sectors targeted for investment transformation. As such, the three sectors covered in the New Investment Policy is in no way represent an exhaustive list of Malaysia’s priority sectors.

Wave 1

  • E & E
  • Digital Economy
  • Pharma
Coming soon

Wave 2

  • Chemicals
  • Aerospace
  • Coming soon
Coming soon

Wave 3

  • Sector
  • Sector
  • Coming soon

Wave 1 : Sector Level Initiatives

Sector-level initiatives for each of the economic sectors are deep-dived in the section below.

Electrical &
Digital Economy